Meet James from Jimmy D
by Kacy Heywood

Who or what do you turn to for inspiration?
My boyfriend is an incredible artist and curator, his work and the artists he curates are super motivating. Makeup is also an inspiration at the moment, artists like Daniel Sallstrom, Lucy Bridge, Sam Visser and Andrew Gallimore are my buzz right now. I actually co-run a Instagram/YouTube/TikTok with my friend Andre called Beauty Benders that’s dedicated to degendering makeup and beauty.
What’s your dream collaboration?
Nan Goldin, doing some kind of Ballad of Sexual Dependency slide show but re-imagined on fabric would be dreamy.
If your label/art was a…
Something heavy and arty like a Matthew Barney Cremaster film meets Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion.
… song?
Kim Petras Malibu.
… hairstyle?
Bald but with two plush LONG glued in hair extensions.
… smell?
We do have a perfume coming soon called “Morning Wood”, it smells like unwashed hair, clean sheets, dank wood and violet.
… car?
I don’t drive, but I saw an episode of RHWOBH where Erika Jayne and Dorit test drive a Pagani, and that looked pretty sick – It would have to have an iridescent beetle like paint job though.
Malibu - Kim Petras
You also sell some brilliant publications on your site; what do we have to read before we die and why?
You’ve gotta read something by Brett Easton Ellis, preferably Less than Zero or Lunar Park. I could riff on those two books forever.